The equation itself that is proportionate to the rule is that energy equals mass multiplied by the speed of light, squared. In more basic, laymen terms: energy is the objects mass, multiplied by its speed (where light years is the form of measurement), when the speed of light is squared because the relationship between the energy and mass is nonlinear. Meaning squaring [the speed of light] results in an enormous value, indicating that even small fractions of mass contain immense potential energy. The limit does not exist. Okay, in all seriousness e=mc^2 is basically the fundamental formula for energy. Now that we got that physics 101 out of the way, let’s get meta!
Energy is every thought, feeling, every interaction generates a feeling that is a combination of all energetic fields present. A moment you share if you put your energy into it. You can exist in any moment without putting any energy into it. Let me explain: ever wonder how you say the same thing as someone, or call someone at the exact moment they were thinking of you? That’s sharing a connection--we'll get deeper into those later on--for now let's focus on the basics of energy.
All energy is receptive if you're open to it. Even if you're not into it everyone practices a little 'voodoo'. Ever have so much hate for someone your body shakes, and you can feel it emanate off of you? Or someone walks into the room you're in and automatically they can feel something’s not right with you? All "hexes" are is putting out negative energy. Releasing your negative energy (through hate) onto another person. Now, of course, there are varying levels of voodoo, but it's actually a very natural phenomena; so natural that we don't even know it exists because why would you go searching for the answers of something you haven't ever had to go without?
So, even if you have closed yourself off to understanding energy, and pretending it's just the motion of matter, I beg you to look closer at the etymology of the word energy (action): basically, it's the force between all matter and motion. When force is a push or pull on an objects mass, it determines the direction or action of matter based on its motion. You could say it's the momentum, which means 'to move'. All energy moves in waves, which brings us to electromagnetic radiation. Being the waves of the electromagnetic field (the combination of an electric field and a magnetic field), which can mean wavelength or frequency. Any frequency can be disturbed by many things, one being inertia. Another way an object can change its momentum is the oscillation that is caused by an imbalance of the electric field and the magnetic (that push and pull).
Today we are just introducing the fundamentals of energy: how telepathy works, auras, vibes, kinships, clairanything, talking to spirits(!), the metaphysical properties of crystals. Even down to air bending (yes, I really just said that), affecting technology because your energetic caliber is so high, having a cosmic conversation with the universe; PLAYING with the universe! It’s all just exchanging and understanding energy, but first we have to grasp the concept of what it is and not how it works. We have to learn how to jump before we can fly, in a sense.